Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Lake Rerewhakaaitu School Pet Day POETRY

Feeling nervous
Stomach swirling, head turning, knees knocking
Fingers fidgeting as I try to untie Mystics lead and load her into the trailer.

Face is white but Mystics fine
Our turn next, wish I could run to the back of the line.
Heart racing...its our turn Oh My Gosh its done and I came 4th. 

Its calling time I look at the audience I see            Mum and Dad
I hear the judge call out "Number 31". 
 Heart pounding in my chest, I feel Mystics soft hair under my shaky hands
We head towards the standard and turn Mystic waits patiently...
I call and she comes...slowly wondering where her bottle is.

Its time to go, Mystic is loaded and ready to 
head home.
In my hand is a green shiny ribbon blowing in the breeze
Thanks Mystic you've been a great pet and we've had a great day.

By Sophie

Mystic and Sophie

Feeling nervous as we stand and wait to be called into the ring.
Lucy and I start to walk towards the first mark slowly but surely.
I ignore the crowd and guide her around the standard
I'm almost finished ..there.. out of the the ring.
A yellow ribbon for Lucy.

By Hadley

Lucy and Hadley

Our legs shaking as we enter the lamb ring. 
"Come on Saphhire you can do it" I whisper down to my lamb
I feel her fluffy wool coat brush past my leg as we head for 
the first standard.
Sapphire leads beautifully as we head for the last standard.
I feel excited as we make our way to the finish.
To my surprise we win a second place...a shiny blue ribbon tied around her belly.

By Riley

Sapphire and Riley

Stomach Swirling, knees knocking, I cant believe its 
pet day this morning.
My School is waiting for the first person and per to arrive.
Everything we've trained for is buzzing through my mind as I'm waiting at the back of the line. 

By Lexi

Lexi and Citara

Monday, 21 October 2013

WALHT put objects into groups or sets and solve Multiplication Problems....

Sunday, 20 October 2013

WALHT - use arrays to solve multiplication problems

Mrs Martin our Student Teacher worked with one of our maths groups on using arrays to solve multiplication problems... lets see how they went...

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Multiplication Strategies

We are Learning about 

Here is Lexi and Sophie from our class explaining how to use our 5 timetables to solve our 6,7,8,and 9 timetables....

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

HIT IT - With Sport BOP

'HIT IT' - Sport BOP

Today Room 3 had their first Hit It Lesson with HENRY from Sport BOP.  We had an hour lesson developing our tennis skills.  We learnt how to hold a racquet, how to hit the ball and then we played ins and outs on the courts.  Henry was a great coach and lots of fun too!

Room 3 Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

To end our REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE unit the students were invited to create a piece of wearable art.
The students worked in groups and all contributed their ideas for design, contributed items and pieced things together.  The items used needed to have already be used in someway.  

During the last week of term 3 we held a fashion show where the 3 groups were able to share their creations.


Checking out if it fits on the model.

Some old bottle tops to be used in the creations.

We used a whole lot of hot glue!

 Cutting, reshaping, sizing it all up!

Sophies hat was made from the bottom of a sprite bottle.
The boys cut and made their entire costume completely independently.  All 'sewed' together with hot glue.  An Army theme they even had arm and leg pads, a knife and belt!

Term 3 Cooking Lessons

Term 3 Cooking Groups

During term 3 room 3 were able to have a cooking session on a Friday morning.  We had to work really hard during the week and earn house points.  The winning house NGARIMU, TRENT, HULME or UPHAM got to cook that week.

Some of the things we go to cook included chocolate chip cookies, pizza, scones and pikelets.

Some skills we were practicing included measuring, team work, communication, reading and following instructions, keeping our kitchen tidy. 

Thank you to Mrs Edwards, Ms Cruse and Ms Arnott for supervising us and also Ms Coleman for letting us have fun cooking and bringing the ingredients to school.