Wednesday, 18 December 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of our followers and keen readers.
Room 3 has had a successful year in 2013 and we look forward to our 6 weeks rest and summer fun.
Thanks to everyone who supports us and reads our published work and learning experiences.
Stay tuned.. more exciting learning and sharing to come in 2014.

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Here are some examples of our sports themed poetry.  In the first stanza we describe the physical person and in the second stanza we describe the piece of equipment or in some cases the animal or track.  We were trying to hook the reader right into the action, building suspense.


Horse Jumping
I see the judge put the jump up
I say to my horse come on we can win it this time
Sit to the canter
My heart pumps hard as I grip onto the reins
Holding tight
Sitting up straight
Flick her belly
Come on Ash
We fly over clearing the pole

Her muscles pumping
Blood rushing through her veins
Checking our stride
The crowd is silent, waiting for us to jump
And then
          And then
                   And then
Right before the ROAR –UP
Front legs and back legs we’re over and in first place!

By Stephen 

The Big Fish
It’s nearly night time
I found a worm
Put it on my line
Cast my line out
Plant my rod
Rod wobbles it falls over I pick it up and whoa!
What a good bight
I’m wobbling in fear, hoping that it will bite again
My eye’s glazing at the water

Whoa! Look at that big trout
wonder if it’s going for my line?
My line wobbles.
And then
And then….
A big trout pulling and pulling.
I’m trying to wind in my rod
Whoa it went straight past me.
It’s getting closer and closer
I’m shivering in fear
Rod bending I hear my rod snapping under the strain
Look at that humongous trout
Hah I remember that trout.
I’ve seen him before!
Nylon cutting my finger  
There is nothing better than fishingJ

By Maddox

Winning Goal
It all depends on this young, proud boy
He feels the lush green grass beneath his feet
Standing tall in the centre of the silent crowd
The proud tall boy stares at the giant H in the distance
his strong heart beats before the whispering crowd
they wait patiently for the boy to prepare
The boy measures his steps
He jogs toward the ball.

The ball
Sent spinning, through the cold breezy wind it floats
Rotating as if in slow motion
And then
                  And then
                                    And then
Right before the ROAR-UP
It passes through the posts.

By Robbie 

Touch Down
The whistle blew
The ball was thrown across the front of the team
I see it swirling towards me
I grab it and look forward trying to find a gap
Legs moving fast shaking ….
We pass the ball backward from player to player
My dad’s the coach and he is yelling to the team
Fifth and final…

Do I make it?  I look to the ref…..
I am nervous and everyone is quiet…
The whistle blows!

By Hadley

High Jump

With the impatient wait of high jump to start
There is only one person in front of me that jumps and fly’s over on winged feet.
Now it’s my turn suddenly I feel strong as I run to the jump. The shy yet strong girl leaps. The pole seems to jump up at her she springs over just making it.
After all the effort she came fourth and she looks very very proud.

By Sophie 

Run till you win

Sitting waiting people hesitating
I wait till my turn & then we’ll do a burn
we get into place.
I’m in the back of the staggers
tummy swirling
I wait         
be calm  
everything’s quiet all I can hear is my heart beat
I sprint for my team my clothes flip flop in the wind
people cheer me on we go
 & go               & go
The wind blows in my face as I near finish
I see the finish line ahead
My lane narrows
People squeezing in beside me
I cross
I win

By Alex 

Sprint To The Finish

Heart,  beating like a drum
Nervously shaking body waiting for it to begin
It stared
I start heading down the end of the track
Sprinting and sprinting
Trying to get home first and take first place
My strong pumped legs going fast to push the limit
Chest tight
And then through the other boys I pound forward nudging in front

The track
Pushing up against my feet
As I stomp on the blades of grass
Chest wheezing
Going for gold  
The lane finish line is close
Crowed cheering
I cross …. 1st place
Feeling amazing

By Joshua 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Creative Writing

Here area some examples of our creative writing.  We are learning to paint a picture with words using imagery.  To create these images we are using interesting nouns and activating them with exciting verbs - making the nouns 'come alive'.  We also included adjectives and similes to say something is like another.  Some of us even used personification - when you give an object human characteristics. 
We had a fabulous kite day with our school and community, we hope you enjoy our poems and you get a real feeling for the day as if you were there...

Rebeka Writes:
My kite went so high it started to go crazy and do loopy de loops .  It felt like my kite was going to break.  Other kites were swooping and swirling around mine.

Stephen Writes:
I see kites talking to the trees in the breeze.

Kites getting confused and going off track.
Next minute...a ripped up pile of colourful plastic and string twisted together. 
I hear the laughter of the people below the hill, giggles and screams as their kites dive like magpies.

Kaden Writes:
Shyne's kite was huge and it felt like an eel was pulling on the string.  My kite was little compared to his and his almost touched the sky.  It looked like a pink eel swimming through the clouds.

Te Atarau Writes:
I wonder how people's kites went so high.  When I was on the hill I could see Shyne's pink squid flying, it still went higher and higher, almost touching the clouds with its tentacles.

Rebecca Writes:
I see trees blowing, water flowing, people moving, grass growing.  Kites are flying, people laughing, others helping. 
Feel the breeze, feel the string- kite pulling.  My kite was swooping down like an eagle.

Stephanie Writes:
Wind blowing in my hair whilst I fly my kite.  Feeling my kite tugging on the end like a desperate fish.
I hear hundreds of children having fun, sometimes whinging to parents "My kite is tangled!"
I heard the wind moaning louder and louder around the trees and then loads of laughter as kites reach out and tickle the sun.
The blue lake and the green grass waving, what a beautiful day for kites to play.

Michael H Writes:
I can see hands and kites twisting and turning, swirling and kite is eating the dust like an eagle digging for worms.

Alex Writes:
As we enter the domain I see the water glimmer and shimmer, kites begin to twirl and swirl.  I hope the wind stays steady. 

Sophie Writes:

As Olivia and I scramble up the fence we could feel our kites tugging on the line.  We stand tall on the fence, our kites making whistling sounds like they're whispering secrets in the breeze,  I feel like my kite would fly forever...

Monday, 4 November 2013

Flying Darts - Making, creating, experimenting & testing ....

Tuesday 5 November Room 3 went into the hall to make some paper darts.  We made our own design, followed instructions to make a variety of different designs and shared with buddies the best designs.  Some designs were suited to long flights, some more for loopy loops.

These are the things we decided were important after our testing, tweaking and modifying...
"The wings needs to be the same - symmetrical" Alex

"The angle of how you throw the dart is important" Michael M

"Throw gently" Te Atarau

"The Paper you use and how it is folded is important - can't be too heavy"  Stephen

" the wind strength can affect how the paper dart glides"  Robbie

"The more streamline the faster and further it travels" Michael H

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Lake Rerewhakaaitu School Pet Day POETRY

Feeling nervous
Stomach swirling, head turning, knees knocking
Fingers fidgeting as I try to untie Mystics lead and load her into the trailer.

Face is white but Mystics fine
Our turn next, wish I could run to the back of the line.
Heart racing...its our turn Oh My Gosh its done and I came 4th. 

Its calling time I look at the audience I see            Mum and Dad
I hear the judge call out "Number 31". 
 Heart pounding in my chest, I feel Mystics soft hair under my shaky hands
We head towards the standard and turn Mystic waits patiently...
I call and she comes...slowly wondering where her bottle is.

Its time to go, Mystic is loaded and ready to 
head home.
In my hand is a green shiny ribbon blowing in the breeze
Thanks Mystic you've been a great pet and we've had a great day.

By Sophie

Mystic and Sophie

Feeling nervous as we stand and wait to be called into the ring.
Lucy and I start to walk towards the first mark slowly but surely.
I ignore the crowd and guide her around the standard
I'm almost finished ..there.. out of the the ring.
A yellow ribbon for Lucy.

By Hadley

Lucy and Hadley

Our legs shaking as we enter the lamb ring. 
"Come on Saphhire you can do it" I whisper down to my lamb
I feel her fluffy wool coat brush past my leg as we head for 
the first standard.
Sapphire leads beautifully as we head for the last standard.
I feel excited as we make our way to the finish.
To my surprise we win a second place...a shiny blue ribbon tied around her belly.

By Riley

Sapphire and Riley

Stomach Swirling, knees knocking, I cant believe its 
pet day this morning.
My School is waiting for the first person and per to arrive.
Everything we've trained for is buzzing through my mind as I'm waiting at the back of the line. 

By Lexi

Lexi and Citara

Monday, 21 October 2013

WALHT put objects into groups or sets and solve Multiplication Problems....

Sunday, 20 October 2013

WALHT - use arrays to solve multiplication problems

Mrs Martin our Student Teacher worked with one of our maths groups on using arrays to solve multiplication problems... lets see how they went...

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Multiplication Strategies

We are Learning about 

Here is Lexi and Sophie from our class explaining how to use our 5 timetables to solve our 6,7,8,and 9 timetables....

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

HIT IT - With Sport BOP

'HIT IT' - Sport BOP

Today Room 3 had their first Hit It Lesson with HENRY from Sport BOP.  We had an hour lesson developing our tennis skills.  We learnt how to hold a racquet, how to hit the ball and then we played ins and outs on the courts.  Henry was a great coach and lots of fun too!

Room 3 Wearable Arts

Wearable Arts

To end our REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE unit the students were invited to create a piece of wearable art.
The students worked in groups and all contributed their ideas for design, contributed items and pieced things together.  The items used needed to have already be used in someway.  

During the last week of term 3 we held a fashion show where the 3 groups were able to share their creations.


Checking out if it fits on the model.

Some old bottle tops to be used in the creations.

We used a whole lot of hot glue!

 Cutting, reshaping, sizing it all up!

Sophies hat was made from the bottom of a sprite bottle.
The boys cut and made their entire costume completely independently.  All 'sewed' together with hot glue.  An Army theme they even had arm and leg pads, a knife and belt!

Term 3 Cooking Lessons

Term 3 Cooking Groups

During term 3 room 3 were able to have a cooking session on a Friday morning.  We had to work really hard during the week and earn house points.  The winning house NGARIMU, TRENT, HULME or UPHAM got to cook that week.

Some of the things we go to cook included chocolate chip cookies, pizza, scones and pikelets.

Some skills we were practicing included measuring, team work, communication, reading and following instructions, keeping our kitchen tidy. 

Thank you to Mrs Edwards, Ms Cruse and Ms Arnott for supervising us and also Ms Coleman for letting us have fun cooking and bringing the ingredients to school.